No Leadership Exceptions

As a follow up to my post last week about PPIs, I wanted to mention that I had an opportunity to PPI my own bishop. As I later reported in a letter to my family:

“I confess that I was not as forthcoming in my questioning or feedback as I might have been with someone not my bishop….It’s a hard thing to hold a bishop to the line when you understand a lot of the other problems and time constraints he faces.”

This naturally made me query whether we hold leaders to the same standards we ask of regular members, or whether we give them a pass, in consideration of all the other obligations and time restraints they face?

The following account from the annals of Church history seems to indicate that leaders are to be held to the same standards and expectations as members. Elder William Farrington Cahoon, was assigned as a teacher to the home of the Prophet Joseph Smith. He related the following many years after the death of the Prophet:

“Before I close my testimony … , I wish to mention one circumstance which I never shall forget: I was called and ordained to act as a teacher to visit the families of the Saints. I got along very well till I found that I was obliged to call and pay a visit to the Prophet. Being young [only about seventeen years of age], I felt my weakness in visiting the Prophet and his family in the capacity of a teacher. I almost felt like shrinking from duty. Finally I went to his door and knocked, and in a minute the Prophet came to the door. I stood there trembling, and said to him:

“‘Brother Joseph, I have come to visit you in the capacity of a teacher, if it is convenient for you.’

“He said ‘Brother William, come right in, I am glad to see you; sit down in that chair there and I will go and call my family in.’

“They soon came in and took seats. He then said, ‘Brother William, I submit myself and family into your hands,’ and then took his seat. ‘Now Brother William,’ said he ‘ask all the questions you feel like.’

“By this time all my fears and trembling had ceased, and I said, ‘Brother Joseph, are you trying to live your religion?’

“He answered ‘Yes.’

“I then said ‘Do you pray in your family?’

“He said ‘Yes.’

“‘Do you teach your family the principles of the gospel?’

“He replied ‘Yes, I am trying to do it.’

“‘Do you ask a blessing on your food?’

“He answered ‘Yes.’

“‘Are you trying to live in peace and harmony with all your family?’

“He said that he was.

“I then turned to Sister Emma, his wife, and said ‘Sister Emma, are you trying to live your religion? Do you teach your children to obey their parents? Do you try to teach them to pray?’

“To all these questions she answered ‘Yes, I am trying to do so.’

“I then turned to Joseph and said, ‘I am now through with my questions as a teacher; and now if you have any instructions to give, I shall be happy to receive them.’

“He said ‘God bless you, Brother William; and if you are humble and faithful, you shall have power to settle all difficulties that may come before you in the capacity of a teacher.’

“I then left my parting blessing upon him and his family, as a teacher, and took my departure.” (Juvenile Instructor, 27 (15 Aug. 1892): 492–93.)

If I struggled as a middle aged adult to PPI my bishop, I can only imagine how this 17 year old boy felt inquiring an accountability of the Lord’s Prophet. Nonetheless, the message seems clear: Leaders are accountable, the same as members; and members should not shrink from their duty of providing leaders an opportunity to render that accounting.

Isn’t the gospel wonderful?